Hello Fall! CCC#11


Hello Fall Single

ccc #11

It is not quite fall yet but I couldn’t resist playing with some of the new product I had gotten recently from the holiday catalog  and to participate in Creative Challenge Clubs CCC#11. This week was a 3 color scheme and the challenge was to add a 4th color in. The colors I was challenged with was Pumpkin Pie, Island Indigo and Crushed Curry. I had to get creative with my Crushed Curry since I really didn’t have that color. A good thing that the dsp Color me Autumn came to my rescue. The 4th color I added was Mossy Meadow which I colored the top of my acorns with a Stampin’ Up! marker in that color. Please feel free to join in the challenge. The more the merrier. Also if 15 people participate you get a chance to be involved in a small shopping spree with Stampin’ Up! products. So are you ready for fall? What are you looking forward to the most?

Here is a list of some of the items I used

  • Color Me Autumn DSP 135820
  • For All Things 135155
  • Island Indigo Ink 126986
  • Island Indigo Cardstock 122923
  • Pumpkin Pie 126945
  • Mossy Meadow 133654


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